Beginning on January 1, 2015, FedEx will increase the shipping rates of all U.S. ground shipments based on package size. Instead of charging by weight, the courier will also employ dimensional weight to estimate shipping costs. Effectively, this will raise the price for shipment with big physical volume and penalize against wasted space in packaging. According to FedEx, "this change better aligns our pricing with our cost to deliver." Prior to this announcement, FedEx has been charging dimensional weight pricing for freight, express services and oversize ground shipments.
At SolvingMaze, we are committed to streamlining order fulfillment for retailers and manufacturers. Our advanced Pick and Pack API helps our customers pack and dispatch orders efficiently by reducing wasted space in packaging. The calculator accepts the weight and dimension of products and returns packing information such as what items should go into which boxes as well as shipping rates. The calculator can be integrated to any shopping cart, ERP or WMS systems through our easy-to-use API web services. Our technology provides an effective solution to mitigate rising shipping costs and dimensional weight pricing by couriers.